Our Services
Lessons, Leasing, XC Schooling
& Boarding:
Lessons Information

Lesson Policies
To get started in our lesson program, please email us at danhobynstables@aol.com or go to our "contact form" at the bottom of the page (scroll all the way down). The minimum age for lessons is 6. However, we do accept 5 year olds into our Summer Day Camps (check out our Day Camp page for details).
Please read through our Lesson Policies, and bring a signed Release Form and Barn Rules when you come to your 1st lesson.
Introductory Lesson Package
Introductory Lesson Package - $250
*Orientations will be offered in semester packages. Please use the below form to sign-up for Orientation Lessons.
***Introductory Lessons will resume in the Fall of 2024***
An alternative to Orientation Lessons is our Mini Camps. Please check out our Camps Page for more details.
Horse Management Classes (Seasonal)
As part of our educational program, we offer classes in Horse Management. Some examples of classes include bandaging, health/vaccinations, wound care, nutrition, show grooming/prep, etc...
Please check back for more details on classes offered. Classes are held during the colder months (off-season), typically November-March.
Leasing Information

Horse Leasing
(Leasing does not include the price of lessons)

Boarding Includes:
Feeding of Tribute Pelleted Feed, and Timothy/Alfalfa Mix Hay
Horses watered twice daily (each horse has two 5-gallon buckets hanging in stalls)
Horses are hayed 4 times daily (unless out on grass, in which time it is actually 3x's per day)
Grass Turn-out (6 acres of Orchard/Bluegrass pastures) in groups
Ample bedding provided (pelleted sawdust & shavings available)
Full use of 40-acre facility (including Indoor & Outdoor Sand Arenas, XC Course & Stadium Course, Intro through Training Level)
XC Course includes over 100 jumps at various levels (Training - Intro) and rolling hills providing various terrain for conditioning.
No extra charge for feeding supplements (must be pre-measured or prepared in smartpaks)
Dan Hobyn Stables is an educational facility, so involvement in lessons is required.
​*Board prices range from $685-785 - Discounts available if you choose to clean your own stall.
*Inquire more about details at danhobynstables@aol.com.
*Stall sizes range from 10x10 and 10x15.
*No extra charge for feeding supplements (must be pre-measured or prepared in smartpaks).
Inquire at danhobynstables@aol.com for more details
XC Schooling

XC Schooling Policies:
*XC Schooling Policies - PLEASE READ PRIOR TO SCHOOLING - (Contact Info can be found in link)
Ground person or trainer must be present and carry a cell phone.
$40 per Horse/Rider Combination
24 Hour Notice required for both - Contact Info can be found in our Policies Link above.
DHS Release forms must be signed & on file prior to riding.